Sunday, October 7, 2007
posted by Grizzly Adam at 8:00 PM | Permalink
Career Ending?

Roger Clemens started for the Yankees tonight in Game 3 of the ALDS. He pitched just 2 1/3 innings before leaving with a tight hamstring. Was this the end for the Rocket? While I have never been a Rocket fan, I have never really disliked him either. Over the course of his career he has been continually dominant. How many 45 year old power pitchers are there in the Major Leagues?
I find myself hoping he gets another chance to pitch. Ending a 24 year career with a 2.1 inning, 4 hit 2 BB 3 ER outing is not a real poetic way to go. But I think chances of seeing the Rocket throw again in an MLB game are very slim.
The Hall of Fame Class of 2012 awaits...
Good words.